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Csongor Kiss

I write here once every 2 years

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The list of type class constraints in a function signature can sometimes get out of hand. In these situations, we can introduce a type synonym (thanks to ConstraintKinds) to avoid repetition.

Say we want to group together the Show and Read constraints:

type Serialise a = (Show a, Read a)

Now Serialise a can be used anywhere where we require both constraints:

roundtrip :: Serialise a => a -> a
roundtrip = read . show

This is great, because it means we no longer have to spell out (Show a, Read a) whenever we need both, and we also improved readability, because Serialise conveys some additional domain-specific meaning.

There’s a problem with this, however. If we ask GHCi about the type of roundtrip:

>>> :t roundtrip
roundtrip :: (Show a, Read a) => a -> a

it will eagerly expand the type synonym, removing all traces of Serialise. Of course this is a well known problem of type synonyms, so we generally avoid them in favour of newtypes.

But there’s no analogous construction for constraints. Or is there?

Constraints newtypes (kind of)

To begin, we’re going to drop the type synonym in favour of the “constraint synonym” technique, which is essentially the following:

class (Show a, Read a) => Serialise a
instance (Show a, Read a) => Serialise a

In other words, we introduce a new type class with the required superclass constraints, and a single catchall instance.

So far, the status quo hasn’t improved though. GHC is quite renitent:

>>> :t roundtrip
roundtrip :: (Show a, Read a) => a -> a

This happens because the compiler sees that there’s only one matching instance, so it’s safe to pick that one, and it will do so. This point is the important one: that there’s only one instance. So, if we could somehow trick GHC into thinking that there are other options, then maybe it wouldn’t be so eager to expand our constraints.

So, we create an empty data type, only to be used internally:

data Opaque

Next, we satisfy the superclass constraints

instance Read Opaque where
  readsPrec = undefined

instance Show Opaque where
  showsPrec = undefined

Note that these two instances only exist so that the constraint is satisfied, but since the type is internal, the actual functions are never going to be invoked.

Finally, the key ingredient: an overlapping instance for Serialise Opaque.

instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Serialise Opaque

Now, every time GHC sees a Serialise a constraint, it will no longer be able to pick the catchall instance, in case a gets instantiated to Opaque later. Of course, this won’t happen, because we don’t export Opaque, but it’s good enough for GHC.

>>> :t roundtrip
roundtrip :: Serialise a => a -> a

A real world example

You might say that the (Show a, Read a) example is perhaps overly simplistic. I came up with this technique to solve a very real problem in the generic-lens library. This problem shows up at many places in the library, but to pick one, consider the AsType class:

class AsType a s where
  _Typed :: Prism' s a

The exact meaning of the class is irrelevant here (but see the documentation if you’re interested). What matters is that there’s a catchall instance defined for all types (using GHC.Generics), which in turn requires a large number of other constraints and predicates to hold. Since this catchall instance is the only one defined by the library, asking for the type of _Typed in GHCi eagerly expands the constraints to those of the instance.

>>> :t _Typed
  :: (ErrorUnlessOne
        a s (CollectPartialType (TupleToList a) (Rep s)),
      Defined (Rep s) (TypeError ...) (() :: Constraint), Generic s,
      ListTuple a (TupleToList a), GAsType (Rep s) (TupleToList a),
      Data.Profunctor.Choice.Choice p, Applicative f) =>
     p a (f a) -> p s (f s)

Not great. All the internal implementation details leak out. By employing the opaque constraint trick above, we can define overlapping instances for the AsType class, which results in the following type signature:

>>> :t _Typed
_Typed :: AsType a s => Prism' s a

which is much nicer!


I wrote most of this post a while time ago, but never published it. Thanks to Rob Rix for bringing up this topic and thus reminding me to publish it. It’s good to see library authors care about the user experience of their library down to this level of detail, and I hope this technique will be useful for many others!